You've probably seen this style of binding before because it's sometimes used on commercial goods, such as calendars. 3. Instead, "pitch" simply refers to how many holes there are per inch of paper. You also use the crimper to bend over the ends of the coil, which helps ensure your booklet won't fall apart. Most coil binding machines come with a set of crimpers or crimping pliers, but if yours doesn't, they're available for about $25. What is coil binding? Is it different than spiral binding? Coil and spiral binding are the same type of binding and the terms are used interchangeably. 6. (In fact, spiral binding is sometimes referred to as "color coil binding" because of all the colors available. Hopefully this article has helped you determine whether spiral binding Pneumatic Strapping Tools Suppliers is the right choice for your and your documents. Coil binding - also known as spiral binding - is a very popular method of binding, but it can be difficult to understand how it's done. What's so great about spiral binding? First of all, spiral binding gives your bound documents a unique, kind of funky look, so it tends to be popular with artists and other creative types. It's essential to know what pitch your machine uses so you can choose the right binding supplies. With this type of binding, plastic coils (spirals) are threaded through the holes at the edge of your document. The most commonly used pitch for coil binding is 4:1 (four holes per inch). This means you'll have to insert the coils manually, but you'll save yourself some money. These companies include Akiles and Tamerica, DFG as well as Rhin-O-Tuff and Marlon. Finally, you can bind documents manually using spiral coils, if you want, which can help save you money. Coils are inexpensive and are available in lots of different colors and thicknesses. What's a coil crimper? A crimper is something you'll absolutely need to have if you're going to be binding with coils.. Can I use my coil binding machine with other types of binding supplies, such as plastic combs or wire-o binding supplies? Unfortunately not. What's this I hear about "pitch"? When you hear the word "pitch" in conjunction with talk about spiral binding, it has nothing to do with baseball or music. Machines with this feature are often more expensive than machines without it, so if price is an issue, get a machine without an electric coil inserter. 4.00 or less. 5. For example, a 4:1 pitch means there's four holes per inch, whereas a 5:1 pitch indicates five holes, and so on. That's why it's important to be sure that coil binding is going to be the right choice for your binding needs. What are some important factors to consider when buying a spiral binding machine? There are a lot of things to think about when buying a coil binding machine. 7. It trims the excess coil off your document after it's been bound. Obviously, price will be a factor and you may or may not want a machine that's aesthetically pleasing. You'll also need to decide if you want a machine with an electric coil inserter, which inserts the binding coil into your document.) Spiral coils also durable, so this is a good binding method to choose if your documents will be handled regularly. Here's an FAQ about the wonders of coil binding, including some insight on what to look for when buying a spiral binding machine. If you're going to bind a lot of odd-sized documents, getting a machine with disengageable pins (punching teeth) is necessary. What are some major manufacturers of coil binding machines? Some of the same manufacturers that make plastic comb binding machines are also in on the spiral binding market.