Both work same and used to solve the erection dysfunction issues in male. . This pharmacy provides the best generic drugs around the globe because they believe in quality. So there is huge discount are going on in our store get hurry and take this opportunity to buy from us and we offers the 20% off to our new customers and 30-40% off to our returning, Australia () July packing machine suppliers 18, 2012 - Safegenericsrx. We just now launch a product for men's health in our site and we offers in very cheap and lesser prices. Our store offers these drugs in very cheap prices and now we offer this with the 20% discount on this month. Both the medications are same but the name is different, kamagra soft tabs and blue pills both contain the same active ingredient of Sildenafil provides the generic pills and we just believe in to maintain the customer is one of the biggest stores in the internet market because we provide the medications for all kind of disease and their details with the doctor prescription. We also offer totally free additional pills also if you buy any generic medicine from us more than 100$ then you will get the cost-free additional pills around 10 0r 20 and with the no cost, you will get the delivery within the 6 to 7 business days at your home and you don t need to go anywhere to buy kamagra soft in any medical store. This help to increase their physical activity (erection) in men. Safegenericsrx. Safegenericsrx.67 per pill and it work same as blue pills offers the kamagra soft tabs price is $0. Our pharmacy saves your money as well as time too. Our store offers these medications in very reasonable prices and with the high quality. Our store offers the generic pills in all over the country. We care about both the customer new and returning customers.